Worship in Spirit

Reading the Bible is a must for anyone who longs to learn about God Almighty, about Christ Jesus, about Truth, about the Kingdom, and what is expected from a believer. When I first started reading the Bible there were many scriptures that puzzled me, one of those reads;

As I reflected on this, my first question was, how do I worship God in Spirit?

Worshipping in truth I felt would come in time as I continued reading the Bible, but, worshipping God in Spirit, well, I had no clue. So I did an enormous amount of reading, studying and researching. Unfortunately, I didn’t find what I was looking for until I turned to the Strong’s Concordance then it all came together.

Spirit is interchangeable with the words wind or breath and depending on it’s context will determine the actual usage. But, what I found extremely fascinating is how the words wind and breath can be used together to represent worshipping in the Spirit.

In the Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, the word wind is a movement of air (gentle) blast. Breath is of the nostrils or mouth. So when we combine these two together we speaks words from our mouth which causes a gentle constant flow of words.

But there’s one last element to worshipping in the Spirit, and that’s the heart. You see I can create a constant flow of words but if those words aren’t reflective of what’s in my heart, they mean nothing. Because, Yehovah, God Almighty, wants us to speak words from the heart, words of praise, words of thankfulness, words of blessings and words of love.

At least, this is how it appears to me.

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