Humanity is Corrupt

6 thoughts on “Humanity is Corrupt

  1. clubschadenfreude

    No, humanity isn’t corrupt. Some humans are. Your need to claim all of humanity is corrupt is based on your religion which depends on that nonsenes to convince people to join it.

    Happily, your sadistic fantasies of the “end times” will never comve true. 2000+ years of fail.


    • robindd4l

      Good day to you. Unfortunately I believe all of humanity is corrupt because we lie, cheat, steal, mock, bully, fight, we’re arrogant, narcissistic, envious, jealous, hateful, lustful, murderous, greedy and always wanting more money, more fame, more power. It’s why humans treat each other so badly.

      Our only hope is the Lord Christ Jesus. And YES He’s coming back and I believe it’s sooner than many realize. Your remark of the “end times” will never come true, 2000+ years of fail. But this is exactly what the Bible prophesizes. And it will come on them when they least expect it, sudden doom.

      Please don’t put your faith in man. Because mankind leaders have proven over and over their only interest is holding on to their power and money. It’s why they create wars against one another. Because if they truly cared about the people, wars wouldn’t exist.

      So please rethink your position before it’s too late.

      God bless you and have a wonderful day. Robin


      • clubschadenfreude

        yes, robin, you have to pretend every human is corrupt so you can cling to your cult. You may lie, cheat, steal, but not everyone does.

        And nope, your imaginary friendis not anyone’s only hope. Funny how your sadistic little fantasies still fail miserably. You’ll simply die like the rest of us, and know you were wrong.


        • robindd4l

          Good day to you and while that’s your belief it’s not mine. I believe in the Son God, Christ Jesus, who came in the flesh and was sacrificed for our sins then was raised on the 3rd day. So if I’m wrong in that belief, no big deal. But if you are WRONG for your belief than God help you.

          But there is no other book that has ever prophised thousands of years before these things occur. Regardless of your belief if nothing else Bible Prophecy should intrigue you.

          Thank you for the comment and God bless…Robin


          • clubschadenfreude

            You believe in a version of christianity, that you cannot show to be true.

            Robin, pascal’s wager fails every time. The theist who uses it forgets that you do lose plenty if you worship an imaginary god, time, truth, and resources. You also end up with a god that is so ignorant or desperate that it will accept people who believe “just in case”.

            Happily, since your god doesn’t exist and your sadistic fantasies are just that, fantasies, I risk nothing at all. If your god is a sadistic monster, I wouldn’t worship it anyway, and if it is a just entity, I have nothing to worry about.

            There is no book that has got prophecies right, including yours. Unsurprisingly, your jesus fails to be the jewish messiah, not fulfilling the few actual prophecies in the bible. Lies dont’ intrigue me at all, Robin, since I know what the bible actually says, and what christians falsely claim about it.


            • robindd4l

              Good evening to you and hope your day is going well.

              I must say just because you see the words doesn’t mean you understand them from a Spiritual level. No different than the Orthodox Jews who couldn’t see Christ as the Messiah when He taught among them. You seem to have that same issue so it’s not surprising you don’t get it. Please understand, I’m being direct because this is how it appears to me. The Scribes and Pharisees thought themselves wise because they had the scriptures, the Mosaic Law and rituals, yet, they couldn’t see their Messiah who was in their midst.

              obviously, I don’t claim anything except what the Bible teaches. And it’s very clear just because someone calls themselves a Christian it doesn’t make it so.

              Meaning, if you do not truly believe in Christ as the Son of God, if you do not love God with all your heart, soul and mind and if you’re not willing to follow Christ no matter the circumstances then Christ says, we’re not worthy.

              And today most Churches sell a form of Christianity to keep the money flow going but they don’t truly live a biblical lifestyle and certainly don’t teach true biblical doctrine.

              God bless you and have a wonderful weekend. Robin

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