Do Not Be Deceived

Many times Christians tend to point fingers at others for their sin while completely disregarding their own. But as my momma used to say, you better clean up around your own doorsteps before telling others to clean up around theirs. Which is exactly what Jesus taught, remember, when He spoke about removing the plank from your brothers eye and ignoring the one in your own eye? Yes, Jesus taught against finger pointing, however, He did not teach against helping others see the error of their ways, as long, as it’s done in a gentle, loving manner and your own doorsteps are clean. Keep in mind what the scriptures say, which read;

Remember, God will not be mocked…Sin is sin and one of the worst is sexual immorality. Now, sexual immorality comes in many forms, everything from having lust in your heart for another, fornication, adultery, same sex relationships, Lewdness, Whoring or Prostituting, Rape, Exposing ones Private Parts or Voyeurism, and Incest. While this is not an exhaustive list it basically covers, everything experienced in our world today. As a Christian I’m not called to judge non-believers who are committing these sins, but, I am called to speak the Truth. As for Christians, we know sexual immorality is wrong and those who find themselves somewhere on the list, please repent because the scriptures read;

One thought on “Do Not Be Deceived

  1. TheDogGod

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    Consider me a dedicated reader, eagerly awaiting your next compelling piece of content!

    Thanks – TheDogGod –

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