The Bible is History Not a Political Pawn

As a Christian I am completely against this HR6090 bill that actually passed in the House 320 to 91 in the name of antisemitism. Because government leaders are using this bill as a political pawn which will outlaw the Bible and persecute Christians. True Christians know we are not called to judge the Jewish People, that’s left to God. But the Bible is a collection of historical records by eyewitness first hand accounts to what took place when Jesus visited the Jewish state of Israel as recorded in the New Testament.

It also provides invaluable historical records along with prophecies written in the Old Testament and how the Jewish people escaped bondage in Egypt by the mighty hand of the Great I Am, the Lord God. As a Christian I stand on God’s Truth and not mans, which means, I answer to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Many within the government call themselves Christians, but, by the laws they’re passing they are completely going against the Bible and against Christians. But this is to be expected, remember what the scriptures tell us in Isaiah 5:20, which reads;

Christians, please open your eyes and pay attention to the signs the Scriptures warned us of, because many are taking place.

In the United States alone we are seeing the Dollar Collapsing, Collapse of Banks, Cyber Attacks, President Signing Medical Control to the WHO, Business Closures, Train Derailments, Warehouse Fires, Destruction of Animal life, Outlawing Backyard Gardens, Allowing Illegal Squatters to Take Peoples Homes, Trying to limit Travel all in the name of the Green New Deal, and Man Made Disasters. Christians, please get your hearts ready, know where you stand because many believe they will escape these issues through the rapture, but, that’s not what Christ told us. In fact, in Matthew 24:29-31, Christ said this only relates to His elect;

This means, the Church will face the antichrist. Which is also spoken of by the Apostle Paul when He is speaking to the Church in Thessalonica. In 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 the Apostle Paul states;

Which also aligns with the 5th Seal once the Lamb of God opens it. The scripture I’m referring to is Revelation 6:9-11, reads;

For those who don’t believe, look what the Apostle John says happens once the 6th seal is opened. Revelation 6: 12-14, says;

See how the words Christ said aligns with the Book of Revelation? But notice what else Christ also tells us in Revelation 3:8-10, Christ tells us;

That’s right, Christ will only protect the Faithful Church, those who preserve, who follow His commandments and do not deny His name. I’m saying these things because Christians need to be prepared since the signs are everywhere.

Many Christians will be faced with a very difficult decision because they ignored the warning signs and the Holy Spirit. Every single Christian still alive during this time will have to ask themselves, Am I willing to give up my birthright  for a bowl of stew like Esau, or, will I be faithful and only bow down to the Lord Jesus Christ? Because once you take their mark, there’s no going back!

Time is running out!

Know where you stand!

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