If You Love Me

Unfortunately today, hate seems to be prevalent in all aspects of our society. And it seems to be ruling mankind from the very least all the way to the very elite.

I’m referring to unbelievers as well as many Christians. Many Christians are finding themselves at odds with one another over these world ideologies.

Why is it happening?

I believe this is due to people focusing on their families, work, finances, and playtime, you know, everyday life instead of focusing on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Just as 5 of the 7 Churches found in the Book of Revelation strayed from Christ, so has the United States of America.  What’s interesting is ONLY 1 CHURCH will be kept from the hour of trial which will come on the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.

At this point I believe it would be wise to review the Church of Philadelphia, also known as the Faithful Church. There are two points that really stood out to me about this church.

First, how the Lord tells them He will make those of the Synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie – Christ will make them come and worship before their feet, and to know that He has loved them.

And second, because they kept His command to preservere, Christ says He will keep them from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.

From my studies I believe these same issues plague our Churches today. Because we’re constantly hearing of scandals within Churches. Churches experiencing sexual immorality, Churches experiencing theft issues, Churches placating to false Prophets and Prophetess, Churches embracing world ideologies, Churches who are lukewarm and comfortable in their present state. And then there are those Churches who have completely lost their love for Christ and are more interested in hearing messages that inspire instead of God’s Truth.

So what’s the anecdote? It’s really quite simple. The Scripture I’m referring to is found in John 24:15, and it  reads;

If you love Me, keep My commandments.

You see, when we truly love the Lord Christ Jesus we’ll do whatever He says. Because nothing is more important in our life than He is. Our focus should always be on Him since He is the one who reconciles us to GOD!

And remember what else He tells us about loving Him. Because when we understand this principle we shouldn’t be worried about the mark which is part of the testing that will come upon the whole world. The Scripture I’m referring to is Matthew 10:37-39, and reads;

He who loves Father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.

REPENT of your sins believe in Him and follow the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Because when the mark is presented and you’re faced with the choice…

Who will you choose to serve?

8 thoughts on “If You Love Me

    • Robin

      Good day to you and hope your day is filled with lots of love. Please don’t misunderstand, this is what the Lord Jesus Christ tells us. We are called to love one another even our enemies. Speaking God’s Truth is showing love because it’s His Truth that sets people free. Hate would be never telling people about His love for them and how they can be saved by believing in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. But it’s up to each individual to believe in Him in the Son of God and follow him.

      Thank you for the comment and blessings to you.


      • clubschadenfreude

        Yep, lots of love, no need for any imaginary nonsense that is genocidal, unjust and supports slavery.

        Your Jesus is imaginary and thus tells you nothing. Each Christian claims that Jesus tells them things. which contradiction each other, and not one of you can show this is true.

        All you have is the good ol’ ‘but but I’m just following orders”, to defend your ignorance and hate. I know how well that worked in Nuremberg.


  1. Robin

    Good morning to you. Well we each have a choice to make. We can choose to follow Christ Jesus of Nazareth or we can choose not to. I believe in Him and choose to follow His teachings which is the way to live before a righteous living God. If you choose not to, that’s your choice.

    Nuremberg was created by a man who had a hate for people of color along with a massive drug problem. Someone should have stopped him but since he was in power no one dared. God did intervene by sending the US and others to fight against him. They lost and the world was able to see the horrific damage this man caused.

    The world has always been about good verses evil and evil men will always try to prevail. But good will always triumphant because God will have the last word. Whether you choose to believe in Him or not, the outcome will be the same. Good will prevail.

    Thank you for your comment and blessings to you.


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