Iran Attacks Israel News

Breaking news that will affect every Christian is the attack on Israel by Iran today. Which means Christians will go through tough days ahead if this attack continues and turns into a full pledge war. If it does escalate chances are many countries will be involved. As Christians we must ensure we are adhering to the Lord Jesus Christ teachings during these Biblical times. This means we pray for Israel, but, we also pray for all of God’s people in the Middle East.

We must pray and ask God for His protection over His peopleHis remnant, His Church and His Chosen Ones. This includes all who believe and follow Yeshua the Messiah/Jesus the Christ regardless of their nationality or the country they reside in. Yes, we pray and ask God to bless Israel, but, we must also remember to stay in alignment with the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Especially those teachings where the Lord spoke of persecution and our enemies. The Scriptures read;

Christians tend to forget, that yes while we love Israel, we must be very careful how we approach this subject. Scripture teaches;

Pray for All people to REPENT and turn their hearts to the Son of God, Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah), who was sacrificed for our sins and reconciled us to God through His blood. I’m also reminded of the scripture which reads;

This is why all Christians must be very careful what they say and how they say it. While we love Israel and pray for the Jewish people, we’re called to LOVE all God’s People.

May God’s Grace bless you daily,
bring you closer to the Lord Jesus Christ
and Sanctify you in God’s Truth!

This Video Could Save Your Life

After watching this video you will never see the world the same again. If you’re struggling as a Christian, this is breaking Christian News that all Christians and non-believers need to be aware of. It could potentially save your life. If you’re a none believer, maybe it’s time for you to change your path and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. This video exposed a global plan for a one world government or as some call it, the Great Reset. You will see how some blaspheme God and the Lord Jesus Christ and consider the Bible as Fake News. Within the video it states unless you are in complete compliance with them, you will NOT be able to buy food, travel, go to the doctor, or be within society. This is prophecy found within the Bible speaking of the MARK OF THE BEAST!

Those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, follow Him and refuse the mark of the Beast, will have eternal life. Unfortunately, many people walk blindly through this world never questioning anything, including Christians. They trust the government, doctors, and political leaders to lead them safely, however, these are mere men trying to be God. They have one agenda, a global governance. So watch this video through the lens of the Bible.

But remember;

We all have sinned, we all have turned away from God, so, God sent His son into the world to save us. We are God’s creation, made in His image. The Bible tells us;

So God’s Son, took on flesh and was born of a virgin. In Hebrew His name is Yeshua/Yehoshua the Mashiach (Messiah) of Natsareth, and in English, Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, whom we call Jesus Christ.

He preached to the Jewish people the need to repent of ones sins and turn back to God. And when you repent of your sins and believe in Him as the Son of God, the Lord Jesus the Christ, you would move from death to life. But this teaching went against the Jewish religious leaders of the time, so, together with the Roman empire they conspired to have the Lord put to death.

Christ was sacrificed on a tree, completely sinless and those who believe in Him His blood covers them through the Covenant. The Scripture reads;

But something amazing happened. On the 3rd day, the Lord Jesus Christ rose, the scriptures read;

Yes, Jesus rose and He ascended back into Heaven with God the Father. But there are many who still doubt this ever took place. But let me say this, there are thousands of people who have had a supernatural awakening, me included. The time is now to turn back to God before it’s too late! Our world is changing fast, things are happening that beyond man’s control. Put your faith in the ONLY one who can save you, the Lord Jesus Christ!

How do you know if you’ve sinned?
Have you ever told a lie?
Ever stole a piece of candy or taken money from your mom’s purse without asking?
Had sex before marriage?
Used God’s name as a cuss word?
Lusted for a new house, new car, new boyfriend or husband?

Many never realize that every action, every word, and even our thoughts can go against God. When we put our family, our wants and desires above God we’re guilty of idolatry! So Pray to Jesus, call out to Him, because religion can’t help you, only HE can!

Get on your knees, cry out to Jesus with a broken heart letting
him know you’re a sinner and you repent of all your sins. Name
every single one of them that you can remember. After you’ve
done this step, tell Him you believe in Him, you believe in His
name and you believe in the one who sent you. And you want
Him to be your Lord and Savior so you can follow in His footsteps.

Remember, Jesus is Lord and He is coming back!

All Eyes on Israel

The Beast System is Coming

A few moments ago I came across this video on YouTube and I encourage everyone to watch because it deals with the #beast system which is now beginning to show up in Circle K’s all around the US along with other retail locations. I’ve stated several times I believe we are in the beginning of the tribulations because of the very words Jesus spoke, which says;

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginnings of birth pains.

Matthew 24:7,8 (ESV)

If you’ve read my post entitled, We’re in the Beginning of Tribulation, you’ll understand the reason I feel this way. But ask yourself, why would all these different stores be putting in high tech scanning equipment unless the beast system is getting ready to be implemented? And notice what Chelsi said, the cashier stated, they could scan an arm or hand.

From the very beginning I’ve watched this push for a global governance by the WEF along with others when they pushed for the Great Reset. And in the Book of Revelation it speaks of this very thing when it speaks of the mark that will be implemented. No one will be able to buy are sell unless they have the mark which also means the antichrist will be a global leader and the power he received is probably given to him by the likes of #Klaus Schwab, #Bill Gates and other elitist or in other words the WEF, UN, WHO will all be in unison regarding this man.

So yes, we’re in the start of the #tribulation period which last for 7 years and we were warned to be aware of these #EndTimeSigns. The great tribulation doesn’t occur until the 3 1/2 year mark which happens to be when Israel will be invaded. I do believe Jesus is coming for His Church soon because I continue to have dreams where this is taking place and we also know from scripture the antichrist is being held back until someone steps out of the way. But watch this short video and start asking yourself, are you ready????

In three days, Jesus looked deep into his eyes

This is what I’m referring to when I say more and more Muslims are turning to our Lord Christ Jesus. Kareem’s story is inspirational and for those who are non-believers how could they possibly explain this. Please take the time to read what Kareem has to say, and, pay attention how Jesus appeared to him…

Come back victorious or dead, Kareem’s mother told him.

“My mom used to pray for me and say, Kareem, may I see you a leader one day coming with victory for Islam,” he recounts on a One For Israel video on YouTube, “or a leader who is coming back dead.”

Kareem imbibed the fanaticism.

“In the Koran, we grow up with two things. First, you should give your life to (Allah). Second, you should defeat Jews and Christians,”

Mustard Seed Budget

Michigan House passes “Hate Speech” bill

The Michigan State Legislature is pushing forward a new “Hate Speech” bill that threatens anyone who speaks the truth on a variety of controversial and inherently offensive topics. The proposed legislation, HB 4474, does more than threaten the First Amendment and the free speech rights of Americans. The proposed legislation amends the state’s Ethnic Intimidation Act of 1988 – making it a “hate crime” if a person causes “severe mental anguish” to another individual……..People, you better wake up!

End Time Bible Prophecy

I Met Messiah on the Mountain

It’s interesting how Jewish men and women who are raised in Judaism, attends their local Synagogue and considered as an Orthodox Jew are having personal experiences with Yeshua, Jesus, even though they never knew Him, heard His name or visited a Christian Church.

The video below is the testimony of a Jewish man who had a supernatural encounter with Jesus, Yeshua, that I find very engaging, impactful and hopeful… Please enjoy!

Cats Welcoming Onyx

My husband and I have had a very long and stressful week. You see, our beloved fur baby, Onyx, passed away this evening. And while some people may think she was just a cat, for us, she was family. We will miss her dearly, but, for the past couple of days I’ve been praying to God. Not to heal her, but, to allow her into His kindom. And last night I had a dream.

We were in our living room, my husband was laying down and I saw a cat sitting at his feet. As I looked around, I saw quite a few cats in our home. Then, as I walked close to the sofa I saw a cat lying on it’s side with Onyx’s head on the cat’s shoulder. But I also saw a litter of small new born kittens with Onyx gently snuggling them next to her, so sweet cause it was if she was mothering them. Not really sure what all this means, but, maybe God was letting me know Onyx want be by herself, there were others to greet her and she’s in good hands.

The video below is of our beloved cat, Onyx, while she was in my garden snacking on Spinach!

But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head. I was crying out to the LORD with my voice, and He answered me from His holy mountain. Selah Psalm 3:3,4

Mankind’s Coming Fall

Just as in the days of Noah when God (the Great I Am) saw how wicked mankind had become on earth HE sent a flood to wipe out the human race, with the exception of Noah and his family. Obviously, it was a combination of things that caused this, the angels mating with women creating giants, along with, mans every thought and imagination which was consistently evil. And while mankind has come a long way from the days of old you can still see the wickedness, and evil that runs rampant in our world today. But there are those who believe the human race needs to be exterminated, euthanized and even genetically modified.

You see the elites of this world, the WEF, UN, the G7, the government powers, the banking moguls, computer wizards, the freemasons, the illuminati (and yes they still exist), and elite environmentalist are plotting against humanity, against God’s creation all in the name of transhumanism. They believe they can create a superior race by genetically modifying mankind and by merging humans with artifical intelligence. Some of these people actually believe they are gods, just as in ancient times when the romans believed they were gods.

But when man believes he is his own god and fails to praise and worship the REAL GOD (the GREAT I AM) mankind soon falls. God will NOT be mocked! Do NOT be deceived by these people, because they care only for themselves. It’s why we’re seeing the constant stream of lawlessness, corruption, and those who believe they are BEYOND the law.

So in the video below, pay close attention to the words that Yuval Noah Harari (Klaus Schwab advisor) chooses to use. It’s time the church wakes up, otherwise, many WILL perish!

These people represent what happens when God is taken out of everything. We need to pray for these people, for God to open their eyes to HIS perfect plan. And remember, iron and clay don’t mix!

Just sayin……

Pray for Israel

Israel has been under attack by terror groups, but, this doesn’t just affect Israel because there are thousands of civilians that are caught in the middle. It doesn’t matter whether they are from Israel, from Palestine, from Syria, from Iran, are even Turkey, the civilans are the ones who always pay the price for what these terror groups instigate.

So pray for the lost sheep of Israel, pray for the lost men, women and children who are being killed in these countries where terror groups are taking over. And pray for the Church in the Middle East, especially, those being beaten, attacked, harassed and killed for their belief in Yeshua, the Messiah, who are fighting the good fight.

They are all in need of our prayers

Trust in the Lord Not Man

My heart is very concerned with what I see going on in the United States right now. People are gathered in the New York City area to support Donald Trump over this whole arrest issue. Don’t get me wrong if Donald Trump is innocent it will come out. But let me say this, Christians need to be extremely careful during this time.


Because this situation is bordering idolatry and fueling hate. When a society lifts up a mere man higher than God and puts all their trust in him, they are committing idolatry. When protest leads to violence, anger and ugly words being yelled, it causes hate and division. Jesus taught us to love one another and above everything to love the Lord God with all our heart, all our soul and all our minds. Let’s look at the scriptures to see what else is said;

Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. Psalm 146:3 (NLT)

Don’t put your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. What good are they? Isaiah 2:22 (NLT)

This is what the Lord says: Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord. Jeremiah 17:5 (NLT)

See what I mean? God wants us to turn to him not to man and this is the very reason I say it’s bordering idolatry. Now, there’s nothing wrong with standing up when your own rights are being suppressed, threatened or when government powers try to over reach in Christian beliefs through totalitarian or dictator moves, but, it should always be in a peaceful manner. What we’re seeing in New York City will turn ugly. That’s because people are allowing their emotions to rule them and it’s going to cause more idolatry, more division, more hate, and probably cause New York City to be locked down.

Is it fair the way the democrats have gone after Donald Trump?

NO, it’s not. Because, many of these politicans themselves are liars, corrupt, compromised and definitely untrustworthy. And while it may not be fair what’s happening to Donald Trump, he is the one who made those decisions. It’s his battle. And you never know, God maybe sending him a message or wakeup call during this time of trouble, so Christians need to be extemely careful and know whose side they’re on, mere man or God.

As Christians we’re told to use discernment and for those who don’t have the gift of discernment you can always tell by their fruit.

Meaning, you can always identify a person’s true nature by paying attention to their actions.

Biden Transferring US Power to WHO?

In case you’re not up to speed on what’s going on with Biden, in four days he is transferring power or officially signing over soverign power to the World Health Organization(WHO) which is funded by the Bill Gates foundation. This would give the WHO the ability to govern US citizens during pandemics or health issues by mandating lockdowns, creating vaccine mandates, monitoring and surveillance of populations and the ability to take away a person’s individual freedoms when it comes to privacy, health and our land.

People, unless you’re living in a cage, you better fight this! Let your govenor, congressman, representative of your state know that you do NOT support Biden and his corrupt government. I’ve already sent a message to our Congressman regarding this very issue and it’s not my first time contacting her. I encourage you to do the same in your state.

If you think the whole Covid-19 shutdown was an issue, get ready, cause it’s about to get alot worse. I’ve stated over and over on my blog, Christians will be persecuted and it’s exactly what Jesus taught. We are living in the times of Bible prophecy, a time when Jesus is coming. So, get your heart ready and do NOT fear man, because these people are blinded to the truth!

Remember this, you’ve been warned!

Below is the original video from Redacted which provides documents to support this claim. Don’t be ignorant, be READY!

Devastating Earthquake

From the latest news, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Turkey and North West Syria causing enormous devastion. From everything I can gather there were two earthquakes with the first striking in the early morning darkness and was followed by a second earthquake with a magnitude 7.7 in the middle of the day.

Rescuers are searching for survivors but as of the latest there seems to be a massive death toll of 1651 people within Turkey with over 11,000 injured and in Syria’s the death toll is at 968 people with 1280 injured. Unfortunately, I’m sure the death toll will rise in both areas.

This earthquake was so strong that it was felt in Cyprus and Cairo. And is claimed to be one of the post powerful quakes in the region in at least a century.

My heart goes out to the families who have lost loved ones in Turkey, Syria and to the Christian community also located in these areas. Pray for them as they go through this devastating time and please keep them in your prayers. Pray for healing, strength, faith and understanding during this difficult time.

Russian Warships Lurking

After praying yesterday regarding our car, this morning I took it to our local mechanic to find out what the problem was. Turns out all it needed was two spark plug coils. I didn’t even know what that was, in fact, I figured it was the actual spark plugs which needed to be replaced. Luckily, God heard my prayer and kept the cost reasonable so I was extremely happy.

After returning home, putting groceries away, eating, and ordering wallpaper from Amazon I decided it was time to catch up on a few channels I often watch. One in particular caught my attention which states, US Coast Guard is Tracking a Russian Intelligence Gathering Ship Off Coast of Hawaii. From what I understand this Russian Intelligence Ship is located 25 miles from the Hawaii shore. But it gets better! I’m also seeing headlines such as; Russia Now Engaged in a Real War With the West Over Ukraine: Lavrov, did Biden forget to WARN the American people?

But wait, there’s more….Russian TV Warns New Big War Coming After Putin Ultimatum, this was actually a post yesterday on Newsweek and somehow I missed it. But look at this, Putin’s Navy Frigate Armed With Hypersonic Missiles sailed towards US in the Atlantic in a show of Strength posted by the daily mail. And from what I understand, this warship has 160 hypersonic missiles, has sailed from down the coast from New York to around the South Carolina-Virginia-Washington DC area. And who can forget the, Russian and Chinese Navy Ships Spotted Less Than 100 Miles Off Coast of Alaska back in the latter part of 2022?

I believe the American people need to be aware of what’s happening in our world so they can see the signs which Jesus warned of. We’re not to be fearful of these things because our Lord God Almighty sits on the throne and HE has a plan.

So, there is hope! Hope in the Lord Jesus, the Christ.

If you haven’t accepted Jesus the Christ as your Lord and Savior now would be a Good time.

Understand the mercy, love and grace God bestowed upon us! From the beginning man sinned against God by disobeying our creator. And the penalty for that sin was death.

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our LordRomans 6:23

But God did something amazing, He sent His ONLY Son to be born of flesh to a virgin,because, He loved us that much.

But the angel said to her, do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call Him Jesus. Luke 1:30,31

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whover believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16

But instead of Jesus being accepted as the Messiah the Jewish pharisees, scribes and some of the people rejected Him, as foretold by the Prophet Isaiah. It was at that point he was sacrificed on the cross for the sins of the world.

But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed. We all like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:5,6

Although, Christ was sacrificed on the cross, He rose on the 3rd day! Our Lord Jesus lives, because, we serve a LIVING GOD!

The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified, and on the third day be raised againLuke 24:6,7

So, how can one be saved?

Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this? John 11:25,26

And the Apostle Paul says it this way;

If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered Him punished by God, stricken by Him, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him and by His wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:4-6