The Rider on the White Horse

19 thoughts on “The Rider on the White Horse

  1. Michele Sperber

    I love the introduction of yourself and your blog revealing your openness to differing thoughts. It takes humility to do this…. Having been wrong many times in my Christian walk concerning doctrine and more, I know, but the truth is worth losing face. I hope you will consider this: Hab. 3: 8-9 states that the bow is God’s WORD….. He, the rider on the white horse comes conquering our FLESH with the Word, not a man made weapon of warfare. It is not about His dealing with the nations of the world in this passage. The Book of Revelation is about the revelation of Christ in us…. It’s the progressive work of transformation written in symbolic form. We have many nations within to be conquered like our imagination, domination, alienation, stagnation, insubordination, contamination, and more. After He works transformation in us, especially getting out all the erroneous teachings of the Harlot, He will work through us in the outer world. Yay, the whole world in moaning and groaning waiting for the book of Revelation to be fulfilled in us!
    God bless you for proving life for the body of Christ in this blog (God’s blog given to you as a scribe for us.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • robindd4l

      I’m definitely open to it and will spend time studying it. Thank you for the information and looking forward to the reading of it. Many, many blessings to you.

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      • Michele Sperber

        Such a blessing to see your openness. I praise God for it. Some time ago, I wrote a short synopsis on the four horses and riders, and I pray that it will give you some insights by the spirit of revelation:

        Our old man is dead, but we have a problem: Each of us still has a body (our members) which has the law of sin and death in it. Our God has ordained that the seals be broken that loose the four riders on horses (His progressive power) to give us revelation as to how the old dead body of Adam…OUR body of death will be disposed.
        The trumpets initiate the work that is to take place and the vials bring forth the final end of the body of death. THEN the Lord appears in us AS US! Hallelujah!

        Come: By the power of revelation SEE what each horse and rider symbolize in the coming demise of the body of death:

        The first rider on the white horse had a bow. He is NOT the antichrist as we have been taught! Hab. 3:8-9 states: “Thou didst ride up on Thine horses and Thy chariots of salvation. Thy bow was made quite naked… Even THY WORD.” The horse is a symbol of power, strength and swiftness in battle. The white horse signifies the bringing forth of God’s presence and power in warfare… even the LIVING WORD to conquer and destroy what has ruled us… the law of sin and death… even the body of death.

        The second horse is red signifying our Lord’s coming as a consuming fire of the flesh, carnality and evil within us. He comes to take away peace from us… we are then no longer to live at peace with our carnal nature for He comes to make war against it. Indeed, He disturbs our comfort zone for it is at this time that He fulfills the word He spoke when He said: “Think not that I am come to cast peace on the earth; I come not to cast peace, but a sword.”(Mat. 10:34) Until the red horse comes, the carnal nature still has much reign in our lives. “They will kill one another” (Rev. 6: 4) means that God will use us to kill the flesh life within each other… We will mortify the deeds of the flesh by the SWORD…. even the WORD OF GOD thereby “self” can no longer rule.

        Next comes the black horse giving us a revelation of the blackness of the carnality of the flesh man within us… the struggle between flesh and spirit. The rider has a pair of balances in His hand. (God not only reveals the darkness of carnality in our outer man, but the nature of God in our inner man being black, but COMELY.)

        The wheat, oil and wine in Rev 6:6 are code words which refer to the produce of the land of Canaan and are symbolic of the three feasts of Israel. A denarius (penny) was a full day’s wage for labor and represents our walk with the Lord going to cost us EVERYTHING we have. We must BUY the truth (pay the price to experience all three feasts SPIRITUALLY) in order for the resurrected Christ to rise in us. (3 is the # that symbolizes resurrection)

        “Hurt not the oil and wine”-….they must be protected until the time of the FULLNESS of God in sonship. Tabernacles is the feast of fullness and there are 5 months between Pentecost and Tabernacles…. It represents the time it will take for fullness of grace (#5) and truth to be operational in us. We will seek to die to self 5 months which is a symbolical number that reveals it will take grace, grace and more grace worked in us our self-life to be overcome… for all of the Harlot’s lies to be exposed and done away with.

        Oh yes, this body of flesh will die and Christ will be resurrected in the overcomers AS US. Hallelujah!

        How happy I am to have the privilege to share this with you.
        ❤️Your Sister in Christ,

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        • robindd4l

          Thank you so much for explaining and looking forward to exploring and reading the posts on your site. Thank you so much and many, many blessings to you.

          Liked by 2 people

        • robindd4l

          Yeah I don’t agree with the progressive teaching of the seals. The Book of Revelation is a Book of Revealing by Jesus Christ. Plus, there would be no need to send the letter to the 7 churches. One of the main issues you’re missing is the Holy Spirit. When we’re baptized in n the name of Jesus we receive the Holy Spirit. He is the one which changes our hearts, our minds and teaches us correctly. While your “theory” is interesting, it’s just NOT biblical.


          • Michele Sperber

            We know that our dear Lord will reveal the truth through the Holy Spirit to us concerning this in the end as well as in other matters Christians don’t agree on. How blessed we are to know this, so we can love each other and rest, not strive. One of my favorite scriptures is “He shall perfect what concerns me” (Psalm 138: 38). This verse and “The anointing shall teach us” (1John 2: 27) can be depended upon, eh?
            You seem to have concluded that I’ve done away with the Holy Spirit and that somehow what I believe negates the word to the seven churches. I don’t understand your reasoning on this Robin, but
            I appreciate that you, your love for Christ and the openness you had to look into what I wrote and to respond with what you believe.
            I thank God we can be real with each other and then trust in the work of the Holy Spirit.
            Blessings and much love,

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            • robindd4l

              Oh absolutely! As Christians we should be willing to listen to one another and help each other grow. So please, feel free to share your thoughts, Sister Michele. I really enjoy learning and growing.


              • Michele Sperber

                I love your spirit, dear Robin.
                After reading your comment, I understand what led to your belief and am thankful you shared it so we can get to the heart of this matter which is that there are many, many comings of the Lord… as a thief in which we were asleep and blind to the truth spoken to us, as a bridegroom, with the clouds, in the clouds, as the morning star, as the sun of righteousness, as the rain, as King, as a refiner’s fire, in resurrection power, in the trump of God, in a shout, in judgment, in the air, to, with, and in His saints, to receive us unto Himself, on a white horse, with clouds and His feet upon the Mount of Olives, yet so many have taught that there are only two comings. To make matters worse, translators have not distinguished the differences between the greek words “parousia,””apokalupsis, “epiphaneia,”and “phanerosis” which have all been written as “coming.” No wonder there is so much confusion.
                I touched lightly on this in my post that majored mostly on His coming as a bridegroom and hope you’ll be blessed by it:
                Today I listened to a good introduction to the Book of Revelation in a video recommended by a 98 year old dear friend/saint. The brother who taught it was a Moslem that was like Paul taught straight from the Lord, not from others. God is really pouring His Spirit of Revelation out in this hour. Most of us, unlike this Moslem brother, have been so polluted by the mixtures taught in Christendom. It takes some doing to get all the errors out of us and is why we are called to come out of Babylon:…. the voice of the bridegroom is not heard in her.
                It is an honor and joy to communicate with you Robin.
                Blessings and love,

                Liked by 1 person

          • Michele Sperber

            Robin, I have continued to ponder your response trying to understand it. Do you believe that Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Father God are one?… that the truth (Jesus) is revealed by the Holy Spirit?…. that they don’t work separately from each other, but have different roles? I see the rider as being the “truth” (Jesus the Word) coming forth in our lives to deal with what’s not true through the working of the Holy Spirit. The Book of Revelation is written in “sign language” and I believe it can not be taken literally…. It is the revelation OF Jesus Christ IN us and is revealed BY the Holy Spirit. If it is to be taken literally, what do you do with Jesus being a lamb and a lion? He is neither of those literally. If you believe some of this book is literal and some is symbolic, how do you know which is which? I believe ALL of the Book of Revelation is written in symbolic (sign) language. I am very perplexed by your reply and would like to understand it.

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            • robindd4l

              Hey Michele, The rider of the white horse which is the 1st seal. For a long time I believed it was Christ, but, then I realized that Christ only comes to us twice. The first time when He was crucified and the next is what many call His 2nd coming. This is found in Revelation 19:11-16. My point is anytime Christ is involved, we’re told it’s Him. There’s never any question as to who it is. When you couple the Revelation 6:1,2 with what Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 24:4,5 it matches perfectly. And if you continue reading the rest of those scriptures you’ll see how they align with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th seal.


            • robindd4l

              Hey Michele, The rider of the white horse which is the 1st seal. For a long time I believed it was Christ, but, then I realized that Christ only comes to us twice. The first time when He was crucified and the next is what many call His 2nd coming. This is found in Revelation 19:11-16. My point is anytime Jesus is involved, we’re told it’s Him. There’s never any question as to who it is. When you couple the Revelation 6:1,2 with what Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 24:4,5 it matches perfectly. And if you continue reading the rest of those scriptures you’ll see how they align with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th seal.

              Hope this makes sense. And please feel free to share your reasons why you believe the way you do. Cause I definitely don’t have all the answers but would love any scriptures that you feel I should look at. Thanks so much for responding.


  2. Diana Devotions

    Jesus breaks the seal but it is the anti christ who rides on the white, red, black horses. Please look at teachings such as PJ Hanley. He is on YouTube plus he has a booj called “understanding Bible Prophecy” Athere are many others too

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    • robindd4l

      I agree it is the antichrist which is the rider of the white horse. Christ is the only one found who is worthy to open the seven seals. Thanks so much and many, many blessings to you.

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  3. robindd4l

    Hey Michele, I’m going to answer in stages so that way I can provide the scriptures as to why I believe the way I do.
    First, you ask me if I believe that Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God are one.
    I believe in God, who is the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of God.
    There is only one God 1 Timothy 2:5,6 and of course John 1:1-3 and Isaiah 43:10-13 and in Isaiah 44:6 He’s pretty clear, there is NO other God besides Him. And if you notice in that scripture He says He is the First and the Last which also goes hand in hand with Revelation 22:12,13.
    So yes, I believe there is ONLY one God.
    Hope this makes sense. Typing from my phone and trying to ensure there’s no typos or strange words popping up.


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