Fire is Coming

During prayer time last night images flashed before my eyes and what I saw was unusal, even for me. I’ve had many visions and dreams of different kinds of natural phenomenon, but, a vision of a roaring fire is something out of the ordinary. As I stated in the past, dreams and visions are given as a way for the Church to prepare, to heed God’s warning and for Christians to be aligned with Christ. With that said, this is what I saw.

When the images first appeared I saw what seemed to be a large crack in the ground and a raging fire came rushing out. My immediate thought was a volcano had erupted and then Yellowstone popped into my mind along with Alaska. This could be caused from an earthquake type scenario which causes a domino effect simply because it wasn’t the typical volcano dreams from my past.

I saw myself standing roughly 50 feet away in darkness from this large fire which was consuming the landscape all around. The location appeared to be a rural area but I’m not absolutely certain of this. The reason I believe it’s a rural area is I didn’t see any buildings, cars or other people around. But I could see trees in front of the fire and to the side of it.

This roaring fire had fiery red flames which reached very high up and while I didn’t smell any smoke, the area had a red orange glow as it continued to burn the surrounding area. Then the images stopped.

This vision may be caused by an earthquake, a volcano eruption, or even a natural gas eruption. Because this is the 2nd time within a week I have “seen” fire. The first time I saw what appeared to be flames shooting out of the ground from a pipe which was sticking out. So I can’t say for certain what caused this roaring fire but regardless, it’s coming.

Pray for this situation, ask for clarification and above everything else, make sure you’re following our Lord Christ Jesus.

9 thoughts on “Fire is Coming

  1. Kelly Rowe

    It’s interesting that you mentioned Yellowstone. I’m not sure if this is what it’s about or not, but I heard that Putin made a comment that he could send a missile to Yellowstone and it would devastate our nation. Like you said, we just have to pray. The Lord sometimes gives us warning dreams so that we can intercede and possibly the Lord will avert or minimize the situation. Other times, it is going to happen, but He is warning us so we can get prepared. God bless you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. robindd4l

    Seems he has said it multiple times. I found one dating back a year ago and several months in between up to 6 days ago. That’s crazy. But I believe the US will go through a nuclear attack, be invaded. I also believe Christians are going to be persecuted here, maybe not all Christians but some will.


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