Collapsing City

Last night during prayer time I had a vision, and, as I tried to push it aside more images was given to me. Remember, all dreams and visions are given to edify the church and also as warnings so one can prepare themselves on a spiritual level. Regardless of how dark it may seem there is always hope in our Lord Christ Jesus. With that said, this is what I saw;

From a distance of roughly 50 feet in the air I was located above a city which seemed to have alot of trees surrounding and inside of it’s city limits. Located directly in front of me were small buildings and I could see what appeared to be plumes of smoke rising from them. I’m not sure if it was actual smoke because it seemed light in color instead of the darker color often associated with smoke. Which makes me wonder if these buildings were on fire OR if the plumes was left over dust rising caused from the buildings collapsing. But everywhere I looked, I saw these plumes throughout the city. In the distance to my right in the sky I saw what appeared to be a black flying object but the distance was so great it was hard to be certain what it was.

Then immediately to my right was a large building that had collapsed. This building was at least 5 stories high, lots of thick cement walls with all the floors appearing to be smashed together and the whole building seemed to buckle in the middle then land in a backward projection. I could even see what appeared to be cars around this building and it’s why I’m not sure if this is a multi-level parking garage or a large apartment building. But either way, the damage was catastrophic.

As I saw these images, I said to the Lord, “Lord people who read my blog will want to know where this is going to happen”, then a voice said to me, ___________ California.

Since I wasn’t actually expecting a response, the first word said was hidden from me, but, I was allowed to hear the name of the state and the name given was, California. While I wasn’t given the cause of this disaster, I will say, it did remind me alot of the buildings that collapsed during the Turkey earthquake. But with the object flying in the sky I just can’t say for certain if this disaster is caused by a natural disaster such as an earthquake or something more sinister.

I don’t know when this disaster will strike but it is coming, so, prepare your hearts by believing and trusting in the Lord Christ Jesus. That way when this disaster strikes your faith, hope and trust is in Him and He will be with you regardless of what happens.

7 thoughts on “Collapsing City

  1. Michele Sperber

    On Friday May 5th, a top Russian diplomat used the term “casus belli” in response to the attempt taken recently to assassinate President Putin with a drone attack on the Kremlin. “Casus belli” has the definition: “an event or action that justifies declaring WAR.” His words indicate that there WILL BE, not “might be” retaliation. Oh God, help us! We have not been righteous in what we’ve done and are doing, seemingly to have forgotten that God is on the side of righteousness.
    He has given us warning of imminent judgment through your dream, my sister. Who will repent for the sins of our nation? Who in authority will openly call on the name of the Lord and ask people to pray? Oh that the spirit of the fear of the Lord to be loosed along with the spirit of repentance and prayer and so that America will once again give glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ Who deserves the surrender of our lives.
    My feet tremble Robin, knowing that tribulation beyond anything this world has ever known is at the door, and most are unprepared. God help us!
    Thanking Him for the ones who are faithful, and rejoicing in the hope of our redemption that is sure to come as well,

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