The Importance of Hebrews 4

My journey through the scriptures has taught me it’s extremely important to read the Bible, to study it and to listen to those who are acknowledgeable without bringing in man’s doctrines or rules. Hebrew 4 speaks of entering God’s rest.

Let’s read the scriptures to see what it says

From the very beginning as you read these scriptures, it makes the remark that “entering His rest still stands”. But the only way to enter His rest is by believing in the good news. However, the scriptures provide more information, it states for we also received the good news just as they did but because of their unbelief, their lack of faith, they would not enter God’s rest. So in God’s anger He swore an oath they would NEVER enter His rest.

Who is the Apostle Paul referring to when He says “they” and why did He quote GOD?

Again, we see the Apostle Paul is referring to the Jewish people of the Old Testament who was led by Moses out of Egypt. From these scriptures GOD became angry with them because they rebelled, they did NOT obey. What did they NOT obey? Let’s read from Jeremiah in the Old Testament, which says;

What was the old paths that lead to the good way? It was God’s Law along with His statues and ordinances. And it’s the very reason Isaiah says;

But Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the prophecies, but, how?

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and savior, we walk in His path and the Holy Spirit is there to help guide, to teach, to lead and to keep us from sinning among many other spiritual jobs. But, we can still sin if we ignore the Holy Spirit and live according to the flesh. But to provide further information, Jesus says this;

Now let’s re-read from another Biblical version.

What is the message of this scripture?

Come to Me, Follow Me as My disciple, learn from Me, do as I do and I will give you REST! The REST Jesus speaks of is our SALVATION! But we must EMULATE CHRIST, to pick up our cross and follow Him. And even Jesus says in Revelation,

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, when we believe in Him we’re given the Holy Spirit as a pledge, as a guarantee. And it’s the Holy Spirit which guides, teaches, convicts, prays for us, gives spiritual gifts, comforts, and leads us so we can walk in God’s ways. But faith comes by believing in Christ. Because when we believe, we receive forgiveness of sin, our hearts are purified, we are justified, we are sanctified, we receive God’s peace, our faith grows, we receive salvation, the fruit of the spirit works within us, and we enter God’s rest.

Because we walk by FAITH not by SIGHT

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