Jesus Teachings Were Powerful

13 thoughts on “Jesus Teachings Were Powerful

  1. chihuahuagirl3

    Very true. Nothing can compare to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ I heard a preacher say once that the most horrifying scripture in the Bible is the one in which Jesus says he never knew those people who did what they considered good church works but had no personal relationship with him (Matthew 7:21-23). I have to agree. What a horrifying shock that must have been for those people!! But Jesus gives us a simple way to avoid this pitfall: the two great commandments: love God and love your neighbor as yourself. That covers everything. You can’t love Jesus and have a close personal relationship with him without sincere, heartfelt repentance. What a blessing!!

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    • robindd4l

      Good morning hope your day is wonderful. For me it’s not about fear, it’s about love. I don’t want to see anyone go to a place that is without God and will experience eternal torture. It’s why I talk about following Jesus. While we’re all free to make our own choice it hurts me thinking many will perish. I just want people to understand God is real and what we do on this earth has eternal consequences. God bless and have a wonderful day…Robin


      • clubschadenfreude

        Robin, if you believe in hell, and that I deserve to go to hell, you do want to see that happen since it will validate your claims.

        It doesn’t hurt you, Robin. IF it did, then you’d not believe in such vicious nonsense. By your own words, you choose to do so.

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        • robindd4l

          Hey thanks for the reply. I do believe in hell and I don’t want anyone to go there. Actually, we ALL deserve it due to our actions, but, because God’s love is so great He allowed His only Son to pay the price for our penalty. If you believe in Jesus as the Son of God who came in the flesh, born of a virgin, taught about repentance and the need to live righteously, was sacrificed to remove our penalty of death, so we could have a relationship with God, and then rose on the 3rd day, you will be saved. Those who refuse to believe and follow Him will receive eternal damnation.

          Since God is Holy sin can’t be before Him and since He is the Creator He states the rules. But of course each of us will be faced with this decision, to believe and follow Him or to reject Him.

          You can already tell from what’s happening in the world that Bible Prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes. The thing is, it’s going to get a lot worse, of course, there will be one who has a plan for peace with Israel and the Islamic nations, a treaty that will be signed for 7 years.

          But like I said we will all have to make that choice, I just pray you make the right one before it’s too late..

          Have a wonderful day…Robin


  2. wayneman

    Thank you for the call to repentance, to have a change of mind. And the only way the mind changes is for the heart to change. The old heart must die on the cross with Christ, be buried, immersed in His death, and then by faith “in the operation of God that raised up Yahshua from the dead,” we begin to walk in a newness of life.” (Rom. 6:3-12; Col.2:11). May God continue to grant you knowledge of His will. kwhancock

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