God’s Love is Not Worldly Love

15 thoughts on “God’s Love is Not Worldly Love

    • robindd4l

      Good evening to you. God is Holy and sin cannot go before Him. Jesus Christ came to bare our sins if we turn Him, repent of our wickedness and believe in Him as the Christ and believe in the one who sent Him.

      We see ourselves through our eyes, but, when one begins to see themselves through God’s eyes, we see just how wicked and sinful we truly are.

      Hope this helps, God bless you…Robin


      • clubschadenfreude

        And yet this god works repeatedly with satan, Robin, so your claims seem to be quite false per yourown bible.

        again, christians don’t agree on what this god supposedly considers a sin. It seems that the only one claiming sin is the humans who want to control others.


            • robindd4l

              Good morning to you. If Christians read their Bible than they know exactly what sin is. If they go to a Church that actually preaches the Good News, then they know what sin is. But, there are those who claim the label of a Christian and unfortunately they live a life that is worldly. The Bible is very clear, unless you’ve been born again, unless you’ve repented of your sins, unless you Believe in the Lord Jesus and the One who sent Him, follow Jesus and do His will, we will not have any part of the Kingdom. God bless you and have a wonderful Day…Robin


              • clubschadenfreude

                That is quite false, Robin, since I know that christians pick and choose what they want to claim is “sinful”. You invent reasons to ignore the parts you don’t want to follow, like when jesus says that all of his/his father’s laws are to be followed until earth etc passes away.

                As always, Robin, you think only your version of christianity is the the right one, and thus attack other christians and claim they are wrong, when you have yet to show you are right.

                Unsurprisingly, this god has yet to do anything at all. including bless me or anyone else. Your claims fail yet again, Robin.


                • robindd4l

                  Good evening to you. True we are to follow them, but, here’s the difference. We follow them because we’ve been given a new heart and a new Spirit. And it’s that Spirit that ensures we keep them. It doesn’t rely on the Old Testament way of keeping the law, by man keeping them. We walk by faith not by sight. But God’s Spirit is what ensures we walk in His ways.

                  So yes, we are to keep the law. Thank you for the comment and God bless.


                  • clubschadenfreude

                    And unsurprisinglyh, Robin, you don’t follow those laws in your bible. By your own words, you must not have a new heart or spirit at all.

                    I don’t see you killing people for daring to work on the sabbath. I don’t see you killing people for not agreeing with your religion. You are to killl disobedient children.


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