Why Christ Addressed the 7 Churches in Asia Minor

I find myself reading the Book of Revelation often, sometimes all the way through and sometimes only parts of it. But I’ve really started focusing more on the 7 Churches to see what I could learn from them. What’s interesting is for a while now, I’ve wondered why the Lord Jesus had the Apostle John write to the seven Churches in Asia Minor and not to the Churches in Israel. Of course, I know from all my studies that Asia Minor is today’s Turkey. Which is interesting because the Apostle Paul was a Greek speaking Jew born in the city of Tarsus and often did His evangelizing in Asia Minor. We also know from the Book of Acts that those who follow the Lord Jesus Christ were first known as Christians. So knowing all of this, I was perplexed and would often wonder why the seven Churches in Asia Minor was so important.

But the Holy Spirit being true to His nature, provided the answer. Not an answer I heard audibly, nor through a prophetic dream or vision, but, through the teaching by the reading of the Word. You see, I found myself reading one of the parables known as the Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers. Now, I’ve read this particular parable many times but I was amazed what the Holy Spirit revealed to me. This parable mirrors what will happen to Christ in the coming days and really gives an insight into the hearts of those involved. But what I found very interesting is, Jesus tells the Chief Priests and elders of the people something is going to happen. And when I read it, everything made sense. Jesus tells them;

Matthew 21:43 – Therefore I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.

Once I read this statement the Lord Jesus made, I finally understood why the 7 Churches in Asia Minor is so important. This is the whole reason Christ addressed the seven Churches in the Book of Revelation to Asia Minor, because, the Kingdom of God was taken from the Jewish people and given to the Greeks (Gentiles), which was ruled by the Roman Empire, also known as Anatolia.

It’s also the reason the scriptures were written in Greek, Yeshua’s name was transliterated into Greek and then transliterated into English for the name Jesus. Because our language is composed of Latin which the Romans spoke along with Greek during Jesus time.

People, please study your Bible, read the scriptures and re-read them because God always provides the answers in His word.

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