Iran Attacks Israel News

Breaking news that will affect every Christian is the attack on Israel by Iran today. Which means Christians will go through tough days ahead if this attack continues and turns into a full pledge war. If it does escalate chances are many countries will be involved. As Christians we must ensure we are adhering to the Lord Jesus Christ teachings during these Biblical times. This means we pray for Israel, but, we also pray for all of God’s people in the Middle East.

We must pray and ask God for His protection over His peopleHis remnant, His Church and His Chosen Ones. This includes all who believe and follow Yeshua the Messiah/Jesus the Christ regardless of their nationality or the country they reside in. Yes, we pray and ask God to bless Israel, but, we must also remember to stay in alignment with the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Especially those teachings where the Lord spoke of persecution and our enemies. The Scriptures read;

Christians tend to forget, that yes while we love Israel, we must be very careful how we approach this subject. Scripture teaches;

Pray for All people to REPENT and turn their hearts to the Son of God, Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah), who was sacrificed for our sins and reconciled us to God through His blood. I’m also reminded of the scripture which reads;

This is why all Christians must be very careful what they say and how they say it. While we love Israel and pray for the Jewish people, we’re called to LOVE all God’s People.

May God’s Grace bless you daily,
bring you closer to the Lord Jesus Christ
and Sanctify you in God’s Truth!

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